Τετάρτη 18 Μαΐου 2011

Getting a Tattoo in Thailand

Getting a Tattoo in Thailand

A man being tattoed in the traditional Thai style.
A man being tattoed in the traditional Thai style.
I’m not sure what it is about Thailand that tempts so many people to get tattoos done during their stay here. It’s probably cheaper than having it done in other countries and then there’s the mystical, spiritual element that clearly tempts people to get Buddhist-inspired designs. However, it isn’t just foreigners undergoing the needle.

The Sak Yant is usually performed by monks and is believed to bestow certain powers on the person receiving the tattoo. The Sak Yant is a serious Buddhist ritual and many Thai men undergo the pain of the ink being pricked onto the skin manually with metallic rods rather than by the usual machine associated with tattooists. Even that is a slight nod toward modernity; originally nails from coffins were used. The ink used in Yants is a mixture of Chinese or Indian ink and whiskey. Snake or scorpion poison and ashes from a cremation may also be added to the ink.
The Magical Power of the Tattoo
Many Buddhists believe in the power of the Yant. Some Yants are meant to protect against physical harm (Kong Grapan Yant) whilst others are meant to bring good luck (Maettha Yant), but it isn’t quite as simple as that. If somebody receives a Yant and does bad things then they will receive bad luck. The rules of the Yant are supposed to make people live their lives in a better way.
For the true believers there are numerous tales and evidence of the power of the Yant. There are stories about corpses where the body has rotted away except for the area where the Yant is inscribed. Old Khmer designs and patterns are all meant to have their own meaning and to become a Sak Yant master involves years of dedication.
Having Tattoos Misspelled – True or Urban Myth?
Many of us have probably heard a variation of the story about the backpacker who went to Thailand and got a tattoo done at the Full Moon Party on Ko Phan Ngan. The tattoo which he thought was Thai script for his name turned out to be the Thai words for ‘stupid foreigner’.
Whether that particular story is true or not, even Sak Yant masters have admitted they have deliberately misspelled the lettering for people who were believed to be getting a Yant without good intentions. If a Thai person can receive a misspelled tattoo then there’s every chance that some Westerners have also been on the receiving end.

Κυριακή 15 Μαΐου 2011

Honey – The Perfect Natural Beauty Product

Honey – The Perfect Natural Beauty Product

Find out how honey is great for your body, inside and out

Nutritional value
Honey may well be one of nature’s most perfect products. It has nutritional value, containing lots of vitamins and minerals including B6, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, niacin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, sodium, thiamin and zinc. It is packed with antioxidants and assists the human body in absorbing and retaining both calcium and magnesium, which can be helpful in building a strong immune system.
Honey as medicine
Many cultures have used honey for medicinal purposes. Some use it as a healing paste for dealing with the pain of arthritis. Some oriental cultures use honey in their tea to help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. Some believe in its ability to soothe sore throats and treat common head colds, and others that it can help with upset stomachs, indigestion, and even gastroenteritis and diarrhoea. There is also evidence that honey has cleansing properties to keep the human body healthy and in tip-top working order all year round.

Honey for your hair
Honey will also have a positive impact on both hair and skin. It contains natural humectants to help attract moisture to the hair, making it a very valuable tool in treating dry and damaged hair. Adding honey in with any hair conditioner can increase the efficiency of the conditioning product, allowing it to better penetrate into the hair shaft to both moisturize and soften it.
To improve the elasticity of the hair, mix honey together with buttermilk for a luxurious rinse that leaves hair feeling soft and looking beautiful. Another hair treatment involves honey mixed with olive oil; used in that way, it adds incredible shine to tresses and makes the hair much easier to manage. A mixture of honey and lemon juice can also be used to naturally lighten hair over a period of time without damaging the hair.

Honey for your skin
Honey is equally good for the skin. It wasn’t uncommon in ancient cultures for it to be used in bathing, Cleopatra often mixed honey in with her milk baths to keep her skin soft, supple, and beautiful. She also used honey on her face for its natural moisturizing qualities, sometimes mixing it with nuts in order to produce a natural facial scrub to remove dead skin. Mixed with certain fruits, honey is also a great toner, leaving skin glowing and looking its healthy best. Mixed with cornstarch, it works as an astringent to get rid of pimples and subsequent minor infections.
Because honey has anti-microbial properties, it can be used to treat sunburn, rashes, and other minor skin irritations. It not only helps to heal the irritations, it also soothes skin while fighting against the signs of aging, all the while leaving skin with a beautiful, healthy glow. Honey is even good for treating cuts and skin punctures, aiding in tissue regeneration and reducing scarring. Because it inhibits the growth of bacteria as well as fungus, honey makes a great product to use for athlete’s foot as well.

These anti-microbial qualities also make it useful in dental care. When mixed with cinnamon, honey helps to combat bad breath and is even used to help treat minor tooth pain. On its own, honey combats the growth of plaque, naturally reducing acid production and killing other forms of bacteria that can inhabit the mouth.
The perfect natural beauty product
Universities and science labs continue to explore honey’s ability to ward off or cure hundreds of different ailments, so in the future we may have even more uses for this fantastic natural substance, a near perfect beauty product for the human body both inside and out.
Credit by: www.thebeautybiz.com

Pregnancy After Breast Cancer

Pregnancy After Breast Cancer

According to recent studies at the European Breast Cancer Conference in Barcelona, pregnancy may have a protective effect against breast cancer, so women with a history of breast cancer can now have babies without increasing their risk of recurrence.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women wait up to five years after treatment depending on how aggressive the cancer was, before getting pregnant.  This is to allow for assessment of long term survival.

Trials, carried out by researchers from Belgium and Italy between 1970 and 2009 and involving 1,417 pregnant women with a history of breast cancer and 18,059 of non pregnant women with a history of breast cancer, have now found that pregnancy is safe for breast cancer survivors  It is said that the findings did not support any notions that hormonal changes associated with pregnancy could prompt a cancer to recur or become more aggressive, but it did suggest that a patient who became pregnant after diagnosis of breast cancer had a reduction of 42 per cent risk of death compared to those who did not get pregnant. Although it is well known that oestrogen was linked to breast cancer, the apparent protective effect of pregnancy could be explained by the higher levels of the hormone inhibiting cancer cells or the way the body boosted its immune system.
The findings showed that pregnancy in women with a history of successfully treated breast cancer is safe, and strongly argues against the perception that women with a history of breast cancer should not get pregnant for fear of increasing any risks of recurrence by means of hormonal stimulation. Women were being analyzed in groups to gauge the effects and timing of pregnancies after diagnosis of breast cancer.  There is a trend at the moment for delaying pregnancy and more young women are being cured from breast cancer, so it is important to provide as much evidence as possible to help physicians in counseling these patients.
Maria Leadbeater of Breast Cancer Care welcomed the research stating that to date there has been insufficient evidence on pregnancies after breast cancer treatment and the risks involved, if any and is very reassuring for the younger woman who has had breast cancer.
An artist and film director Sam Taylor-Wood gave birth after surviving two types of cancer. Colon cancer was diagnosed in 1997 after giving birth at the age of 29. She turned down drugs that would have made her infertile when treated for breast cancer in 2000, giving birth again in 2006 after being given the all clear. Now at 43, she is expecting her third child.
It has been said that chemotherapy can pose harm to a developing baby by some cancer charities, but during a discussion presented by the University of Frankfurt, Sibylle Loibl stated that chemotherapy given whilst the baby was still in the womb did not appear to cause any significant problems at or after birth.

Patty Brown